How to calm the mind

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Good afternoon, Master! How are you? One question: there is a lot of talk about making decisions and acting from feeling, but sometimes, even being in a state like ayahuasca, you think you are making conscious decisions, but in the end you realize that it is your mind that is acting and you say to yourself: “No, I must stop. All that comes from the mind. Sometimes, even when we meditate and try to silence our mind, thoughts arise that confuse us. We realize that it was the mind that created all that. So how can we quiet the mind to connect with our feeling? Often we think we are acting from feeling or intuition, but in reality we are disconnected from our emotions. How can we tune our instrument and silence the mind to listen to our feeling? That is the million-dollar question. One method is to practice meditation every morning, to grasp the “stones of enlightenment,” as they say, to find calm. The other method is through silence and calm. If you fail to have silence and calm, you will never be able to quiet your mind. In the midst of hustle and bustle and chaos, it is impossible to quiet the mind. If you try to do so without first calming it, it will only generate more confusion and disorder. You need to slow down, as we are used to living in a constant state of acceleration and overload that ends up collapsing us. It is an ingrained habit that may have been maintained for decades. We need to understand that it is vital to slow down that speed accumulated over the years, because, after all, what results has that acceleration brought us? So, nothing is going to change if we do not learn to stop, find calm and slow down the pace of our lives. By doing so, we will get more positive results in the long run, as it will allow our inner self and our feeling to flourish. The key is to understand the meaning of calm.

There, because I believe that. There’s active and alert, Sasha says, calm, alert, let’s see what else, because let’s see, let’s see over there what else? He said alert. What do we understand by calm? Calmness. It has to do with stillness and controlling emotions. Yes, controlling emotions, which also goes with stillness. Self-control. Self-control, what else? Serenity, which is also going to pause, in fact until Christmas. Pause. Not getting involved in the external. Well, not external noise. What happens is that we have the concept of calmness that it’s slowness, that’s what we fear. Y. People believe that yes, well, I don’t know if it is in another language, but calmoso, from calm they have called it calmoso. Calmoso is the one who is slow, he can’t do anything. And they have put that in, that concept. And people don’t want to be calm, they want to be fast. To be calm is the day. Because of the consciousness of being integrated to the whole, from the confidence, from all that they have said, all this, to be calm. So, not to be in fear. Why? Behind the chaos, because we are afraid of anything, afraid of late, afraid. And that confidence is what we have to have with us in every instant. This does not mean that you are irresponsible, on the contrary, attention in everything. So, it is a fundamental requirement to be calm. Only by connecting with calmness you will be able to do it. Why? Because what happens when you are accelerated? You close the connection and. But if you pause, if you are calm, that speed expands, you connect with wisdom, with consciousness and you will have the choice or the feeling of the path that corresponds to you. For example, a person comes and shouts at you; you did not have time, you react by serving, a smile, a joy that you offer to someone, that service. Then, as an initial resource, breathing can help you and then you will get what you first have to learn to know. Many of the aggressive, negative reactions that we generate, it is not because sometimes we want to, it is because we do not know ourselves precisely, because of what we are talking about almost all morning, it is because

We are more outside than inside, we do not even know our breathing. When have we ever tried to connect with any organ? Because we have another concept, they are things, things that we have, we are conformed, that form organs, cells, molecules inside us and we have not made the effort to communicate with them. We prefer to talk any gossip with someone, stories with someone. Well, society also happens, if someone talks to himself they call him crazy, don’t they? Society is also like that, because it is a concept that is sold to take the human being out of his inner world, to keep him outside. That’s it. Thank you, maestro.

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