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Maestro, good afternoon. Maria, good afternoon. Well, it is still good morning. I wanted to ask a question about the technique you use for purging, which is the intake of water after the intake of Ayahuasca. Did you invent this or does it come from the ancestors? I have always wondered about this and I would like you to clarify it for me, please.
We did not invent it, it was like a message that has to be followed and it is based on the Ancestral Service of Ayahuasca Tea, it is based on that principle. It is known that ayahuasca tea is a direct way to connect with ayahuasca from the most sacred, pure and ancestral. Our ancestors never took concentrated ayahuasca, just raw, so it is based on that principle. By drinking the hot water, it still triggers the cleansing. The use of the water came with a special message, we put a name to that message, everything we do is what comes.
I was talking to Juan Carlos about this, to explain to people what the method is, because many people have fear or a bad perception of the shamanic ceremony that is done at night, where no water is offered, only the Icarus. When you talk to them, sometimes they are surprised to learn that a purgative hydrotherapy therapy service is given here that helps to cleanse. So I told him, hey, why not focus on water instead of Ayahuasca? But he told me that it was already a very ancestral topic. Juan Carlos told me that with water it is not right, thank you very much maestro. Also, the focus here is purification in the first place, according to don Pepe, it is the first phase of the whole healing process. Therefore, it is inevitable.
We had to come up with a formula that will allow people to purify, because the other method maybe is like a different situation, so we respect each one’s situation, but if our thing is healing, it is like that.