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There was a question about food. A few years ago, I started eating more raw food with the intention of healing my organs and as a way to explore different options. When I got here, I realized that we have a lot of carbohydrate and meat options on our menu, and I would like to know if nutrition is important. Actually, it’s not that crucial. How can we determine what is healthy eating?
There is no definitive answer, it depends on each individual and how they connect with food. I know people who have eaten meat all their lives and have lived 130 years, and others who have been vegetarians and have also lived a long time. It all depends on how each one feels. What we offer in our diet is temporary, each one must adjust according to his or her feelings. By natural law, any excess leads to imbalances, and what we seek with these conversations is that you begin to awaken your sensitivity and find your own balance. There is an ancestral diet that consists of only bananas once or twice a day, without excesses, since the body is purifying itself. After that stage, it is important to include in the diet a variety of foods, such as vegetables and meat, so as not to fall into hypocrisy or contradict what we transmit. Everyone must decide for themselves. Here we note that many eat a lot of fruit, despite our warnings about excess fructose, but continue to consume it. In our space, the only thing forbidden by universal principle is excess. This could neutralize the effects of the diet after being in contact with plants or drugs.
From the center, in the 18 years we have seen several examples and anecdotes, I have even met vegans and vegetarians with years of experience who were like this. But at the end of the diet, the first thing they asked with trembling hands was “la gallina de chacra, la gallina de chacra. We have to make broth, my body wants meat”. It is not a question of saying if this is right or wrong, it is not necessary to judge it, sometimes one simply becomes vegan or vegetarian for mental issues, for fashion, for a concept. However, when following a diet, when you begin to restore your sensitivity, your body begins to manifest what it needs, so you must give it what it asks for. It is important not to cling to existing concepts at that moment, but to allow the sensitivity to tell you what your body needs, because through intuitive eating you will find what your body really needs. It is a process that depends on each individual’s own art, it is the art of feeling and therein lies the change. Some people who used to eat three or four times a day because it was considered healthy, may change to eating only twice a day because it connects them more, they want to eat differently, and this is part of the art of each one. In every aspect it is important to feel and there should be no internal conflicts or repressions, because if something, even if it is minimal, generates a conflict, you will be creating an internal barrier. Everything must flow naturally. Do you feel that? And the chili, why the chili? It is not allowed while you are on the diet because by restructuring your intestinal flora you purify the body and if there is any internal wound, you are also treating it. Chili is irritating, and although it has many properties, for a sensitive body that is being reborn, that “hit” of flavor is not recommended. If you are taking a plant,
To put some context, imagine you have a glass of orange juice, a glass of water, and a glass of aji. Which one are you going to try first? In fact, by drinking the glass of aji first, it will take up space in your stomach that could benefit your digestive system. Therefore, it is recommended to take care of this area so that your body connects with the food in the best way. After 15 days or a month, when you have finished everything, you may not feel the need to continue eating that way, but if you have digestive problems you should be attentive to what you eat.