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Okay, let’s take a deep breath. Try to adopt a more relaxed posture, as if it were convenient, comfortable, relaxed, try to find a state in which you do not generate violence to your bodies, do not generate tensions. And we begin to connect with the air element. Breathing calmly and deeply, bringing the air to the diaphragm, to the lower part, softly and slowly. And then, take your time. Take your time to inhale the air and to exhale the air. Now we give a sense to inhale the air so that it goes through the whole body, first through the organs and then we will go through the whole circulation, the skin, the muscles, through everything, cleansing and when we exhale it we transform it into light. Come on, let’s take a deep breath. Then continue to breathe deeply, taking the air first to the organs and trying as much as possible, from that calmness, that patience, that trust, to cleanse every part of them. You can go organ by organ. Take your time, and maybe some organs are still missing. Let us take care of them, take that deep breath, clean them, free them and transform them. Then go to the blood, to the muscles, to the skin, to all parts of the body. Breathe deeply. Now let us expand the light throughout the environment, along all the lines. As you take a deep breath, try to spread light throughout the environment with your clean body and then the energy will spread with that light into your environment. Connect with joy. Taste the flavor on your lips, with your tongue, and you can open your eyes and the light will be there. This short practice you can do to cleanse yourself internally. It is not complicated. Just pay attention to the small details, taking care of your inner self. Well, thank you for your patience, for being here. I thank those who follow on social networks. May strength, light and love be with you today.

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