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Hello everyone, how are you maestro? I wanted to ask you about something that happened to me when I went out on the street after being here for six months. I tried to take care of myself as much as possible, avoiding going to parties and so on. However, the day after I went out, even though I did not drink alcohol, I felt very exhausted. I know this could be because it drains my energy or because it drains me. I wanted to know how to protect myself so I don’t feel so drained the next day, for example, at birthday parties or other social events where I feel I need to be present to look good. I also want to mention that we are planning to make a bumblebee type shirt, overalls with a shiny gold and crystals. It was an interesting idea. Protection is not only about the external, but also about strengthening yourself internally. If you feel drained or drained energetically, it may be due to internal insecurities. It is as if your body is a jar covered with a thin cloth. This cloth is in contact with everything around you. The eyes, ears, nose and mouth are the main points where energy is lost. If you allow them to influence you, they will steal energy from you. There are vampiric energies around us that can drain us. To avoid this, we must be aware of where we direct our energy and how we connect with our environment. Otherwise, we will wear ourselves out excessively. This is why we sometimes feel exhausted after certain experiences. In short, it is important to protect our energy and be aware of how we use it at all times.
Energy. Notice that we are going to suppose that you go to a meeting and you have to attend with self-control, meet people, greet and protect yourself from all the impressions that are in the place. On the way, you stop at the market and look at everything to buy something. The instinct of consumerism is still present, absorbing the impressions you find. Therefore, it is important to strengthen what we mentioned at the beginning. Thus, you will feel less or minimal stress, but it is crucial to train yourself properly. When you strengthen that ability, you will not feel anything because you are already trained. We all need to practice.