Raw Ayawaska
What role does raw ayawaska play in the diet and what benefits does it offer for spiritual and physical health?
What role does raw ayawaska play in the diet and what benefits does it offer for spiritual and physical health?
How can one heal from stress and do spiritual cleansing without the use of ayahuasca, especially in stressful situations such as a pandemic, and how can one find inner peace and balance?
How to cleanse without ayawaska Read More »
Where do energy parasites come from and why do they return after ayahuasca cleansing, and how can one maintain inner purity and confidence without having to resort to ayahuasca again?
What to do if the _old cockroaches_ come back. Read More »
How can healing egregors be used safely and how much influence can they have on a person’s life?
About Reiki and working with egregors Read More »