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How do you transcend consciousness and enter a state of stillness to gain feeling and make decisions from inner wisdom, realizing your true nature?
When does the soul enter a person, at the moment of conception or later?
What is the role of astrology and how does its influence relate to the sacred?
How does ayuasca affect my self-perception and the activation of my root chakra related to emotional life and children?
How did the formula with the ingestion of water after ayawaska come about and how does it relate to Indian traditions and purification at the…
How to protect yourself from energy depletion when attending various events and activities to maintain inner strength and calmness?
What are the differences between diets for men and women?
What are the effects of the four plants used in the cocktail on Irina’s sixth diet, and what are the cautions to consider when taking…
How do you respond to harassment and how do you develop the inner strength to make good decisions in life?
What nutrition is important for cleansing the body and how do you figure out what good nutrition is?
Do we accept responsibility for our actions in the present, or do we justify ourselves with past lives?
How can one achieve maximum human fulfillment and become light by returning to the source, without the search and traps of the ego?