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What is the essence of devotional service and what forms of manifestation of service can energize the planet?
How do you distinguish the inner voice of the higher self from the voice of the ego, and how do you properly recognize the cues…
What practices can you use to internally cleanse and connect with your inner world?
Where do energy parasites come from and why do they return after ayahuasca cleansing, and how can one maintain inner purity and confidence without having…
How to work with yourself while using ayahuasca for calming, how often to apply it, and how to act during the ceremony – should you…
What is the significance of prioritizing love and service in our lives and for humanity?
How can you use the breath to achieve harmony and balance within yourself?
What are the risks and benefits of practicing conscious dreaming, especially when using external tools, and how important it is to follow your inner resources…
Why is it necessary to drink ayahuasca on the 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th day after Oje to move on to the next diet and…
How do you reconcile a sense of obligation to an aging, changed parent with past trauma and suffering, on the way to understanding true service…
How can healing egregors be used safely and how much influence can they have on a person’s life?