How to protect yourself from other people’s energy

How can you block affectation by other people’s energies and maintain harmony within yourself?

Raw Ayawaska

What role does raw ayawaska play in the diet and what benefits does it offer for spiritual and physical health?

About dreams

How can you distinguish between whether a dream is a prediction or a product of your own fears, and how do you decide between the…

About the cold in your body

The main issue of this text is how to self-determine the level of cold in the body and what signs and reactions in the body…

Life program

Does man have a definite program or assignment on earth, and how does freedom of choice affect its realization?

Kin karma

How do our attitudes affect our lives, and is it possible to change our destiny by changing our outlook, despite perceived hereditary or cultural curses?

Using cold to treat

How does the use of cold in treating and rejuvenating the body align with its natural mechanisms of regeneration and self-regulation?

Can a woman treat a man

Key question of the text: Does the text support the idea that women cannot heal men because of energy exchange, or can we disregard gender…

Appreciation-free ministry. How to cleanse the lineage

How ministry can be done without judgment and evaluation against others, including those who commit immoral acts, and how this relates to an understanding of…

About Buddhism. Addressing emanations and mantras

The main issue in the text concerns the safety of using mantras and meditation in Buddhism, and the need to be centered and develop an…

Creativity and AI

What essence will be lost in creativity with artificial intelligence and why human creativity will always be unique and unattainable by machines.

Artificial intelligence and the human sacred world

What is the impact of artificial intelligence on humanity’s consciousness and the ability to control it?

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