How can the concept of service be defined and how does it differ from the concept of work in the context of actions done with love and without expectation of material reward?
How can the concept of service be defined and how does it differ from the concept of work in the context of actions done with love and without expectation of material reward?
What is the meaning of terms related to astral planes, astral travel and human multidimensionality, and does limitation arise from a lack of understanding of the universe and one’s place in it?
Understanding the Astral Plans Read More »
How you can learn to manipulate energy and create an alternate reality or dimension in the Earth plane, all that is required is peace, stillness and release from the limitations of the planetary background.
Creation of an alternative energy plan Read More »
What are the possibilities of forming different plans and dimensions in the context of vibrational states and transitions between them, and how does this relate to the constant traveling and moving within a vast being, including the physical and subtle planes?
Energy measurements Read More »
How do you help a departed soul and understand what actions can ease their condition and guide them in a positive direction?
How to help a lost soul Read More »
What is the nature of the mind and how can we transform it while keeping it pure and clear?
How can you manage resistance to change if you no longer feel it and identify with yourself?
Resistance to change Read More »
What are the risks and individual uses of essential oils and entheogens, and how can you determine the correct amount for safe use?
What is the essence of devotional service and what forms of manifestation of service can energize the planet?
Infusing nature with prayers and songs Read More »