When the soul enters the body
When does the soul enter a person, at the moment of conception or later?
When the soul enters the body Leer más »
When does the soul enter a person, at the moment of conception or later?
When the soul enters the body Leer más »
What is the role of astrology and how does its influence relate to the sacred?
The sacredness of astrology Leer más »
How does ayuasca affect my self-perception and the activation of my root chakra related to emotional life and children?
Working with bindings in an Ayavaska ceremony Leer más »
How do you respond to harassment and how do you develop the inner strength to make good decisions in life?
What to do when you’re being stalked Leer más »
Do we accept responsibility for our actions in the present, or do we justify ourselves with past lives?
About karma. Attachments and past lives Leer más »
How can one achieve maximum human fulfillment and become light by returning to the source, without the search and traps of the ego?
Maximum realization Leer más »