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(00:02) Small.
(00:05) About thoughts or is it some I don’t understand. It’s thoughts or some thing that comes from inside, like from feeling, feeling, thinking. is it the same or is it not the same? No. Okay, it’s how to know then if thoughts.
(00:33) Mine is the same as what I answered you?
(00:37) Yeah, it’s the same. Like I don’t understand, like something comes like from inside and you feel Ah, okay, this exactly what am I going to do? Because it comes from within and you agree. You feel vibes and thoughts too or is it.
(00:58) It’s repetitive here, it insists you. A thought is like something that hits you and pulls you and pulls you and pulls you and pulls you. It’s a thought that you have to calm it down, because when it’s a feeling you vibrate with it and that’s what’s going to inspire you, it’s going to give you other wings to do it. not the thought, the thought is going to put you in a what do you call this? Astronaut or a helmet. In a helmet. It’s going to put you in a helmet and it’s going to keep you in there, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. You’re going to be stunned because you don’t know where to start, where to go. And that’s what people are masochistic about, they like to be in summer, they haven’t figured it out. When you’re stuck in a thought, you forget about your being, you’re just there. But when you’re from a feeling, the takes in quentin.
(03:19) To see a process.
(03:23) And.