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(00:15) I want to know what is the relationship of what we consume, meat and the presence of parasites in our body. If it has that.
(00:29) It’s not so overwhelming to say, because if it’s well cooked, that’s not some of them could be such as in the vegetable or as in the meat the same. a part of the parasites enters through the mouth. Some of them enter through the mouth because it is with the food, be it meat, vegetables, whatever, that is because of hygiene or because of multiple flies. Other parasites enter through the tissues, through the feet. There are many parasites that enter through the skin. So it has different origins. Only circuses or trichinosis, which is called trichinosis, which is from the pig, is the one that goes directly. That is because it is not well cooked, the pork does not go through a process. That is why in many cases it is forbidden. For example, there is also a parasite in fish when it is raw, which is also present, but it will depend a lot on how you eat it. But you know I forgot your name again. You know? Lito. Tito. Tito, Tito. He’s going to change you. Yes, we’re going to be Tito. You know what? There’s not much to worry about those parasites. The energetic parasites are the most screwed up because one, they are undetectable for chemical reagents, for machines, they are invisible, many don’t feel it and they manipulate you. Those paras are the most screwed up. And those paras are in the environment, in the charged places, in the people that emit their vibrations and all that. And if they spread so much, they make you lose your sanity, your conscience. And you self-destruct and lose your sanity. You can consume anything. That is why the first thing we combine here is ayahuasca and then the antiparasitic for physical bugs, the ojeo. When we clean the parasitic energies a little bit, you can take the other, because it will go to your body and it will work with it, cleaning you. Because otherwise we feed the other bug. Now, there is an instrument that parasitizes very quickly. What is it? What? The telephone. The cell phone. Of course, also supermarketing. What happens is that when it gets worse, if you take the cell phone to where you are eating, you are eating from that cell phone. You eat, grab the cell phone and Mamma Mia. That’s direct than what? Than the television.
(07:30) Yeah, well, television, cell phone, but that cell phone is with us.
(07:34) We refer to the physical, to the energetic. We are not referring to the energetic right now. It’s that the TV parasitizes you here, it’s more energetic. There are people who are eating with television in front of them too, but it is what fills you with garbage. More than anything else we talk about direct contact with the cell phone because you are at your table with the cell phone, you wash your hand, you eat and you grab the cell phone, eat the soup and go back again, grab the cookie there and those things or the fruit, the vegetables and all that stuff. But we said at the beginning to Victor that it is wide, parasitization is very wide, more than the physical ones. So the issue is to be attentive to that, without fanaticism, without an attitude of balance, aware of what you eat. Pavel, Pavel, I remembered your name for the first time.
(09:35) There is an opinion, there is an opinion that energetic parasites attract physical parasites and energetic parasites.
(09:45) I just said it, I mean, when you lose your sanity full of energetic parasites, you don’t care about your body anymore, you become contaminated. And when you are with physical parasites.
(10:24) You.
(10:25) It gives you laziness, sleepiness, irascibility, you deny, it excites, you open doors for the energetic. Both cause the same thing.