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(00:00) Why I feel sometimes the energy of another person affects me a lot, mostly I feel it very heavy, charged, as if it defeats me when someone sits next to me and I don’t know how their energy will be, but I feel it horrible and it affects me a lot. And from some people I feel it beautiful. How do I block that which affects me? Because it starts to hurt me horribly, first here and then it goes all the way down. How do I block that?
(01:22) As a little joke, I’m about to make an anti-energy jacket for other people. Because I say this joke usually, because we usually want to sometimes or we think it’s solved outside. Now, in your case Teresa, it is because you are still in a process, in fact now you are working all those things, you are going to work, you don’t need to block anything. The fact that you want to block, you go, you can charge, you can get even more upset. What sign are you? You will enter sometime through the grid to restructure those axes and from there you will tell me how it goes. What happens when we disharmonize? When the axes or the chakras are blocked, we are in deficiency, there is no constant circulation. So if you sit, if you get close to someone, it’s energy fusion. Then you synchronize with that energy of the other and as you are not in their energetic wave, let’s say, it will generate what you say, pain or manifestation in fact, in some part of your body. And in addition to that, you are sensitive, others would not feel it. So you have to align, in short, restructure. And from there your body can only coexist with different energetic vibrations. The state it is in is what generates you. In fact, when you are down, take a look that this energy can generate manifestation. As you can see, it is a sensitive state, so you have to, well, you are already taking plants, then you will have to put the hammer in, combat. After a while, let me know how it goes, it will pass. Here you go.