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(00:37) Can we say that artificial intelligence is a part of the human collective consciousness or not?
(00:45) No, not at all. There can be no Experience can be a part of human experience, a part of human knowledge, because what has been embodied, just what you were saying just now, was what has been embodied something and that is transferred to this technology. It is transferred, but consciousness is vibration, it is feeling. So, in fact they are getting closer because some vibrations are being controlled, yes, but still now.
(01:44) .
(01:51) The goal is that, to control, to replace the human. But you have to understand that the human is a universal being, it’s a sacred being, a divine being and to replace the human for that is limitless. Replacing the human is not so simple. They will be able to control some feelings, some emotions, gestures and things, but their sacred world, that is unlimited, that cannot be controlled. Neither one to the other, nor anyone, nor humans among humans, no one. And as we said at the beginning, the human follows the universal principle of constant change, permanent rotation, renewal, constant birth. It’s not because he dies, it’s over, no, that’s changing a shirt and continuing to advance. that essence, that’s consciousness.
(04:02) With artificial intelligence having come up with a function in which it can recognize an image and give analysis of the image, were you curious what the artificial intelligence might think about what it was doing? The response that the artificial intelligence gave talking to her about the vibrations, the sacred messages, everything that she was trying to present through that picture that that put her in shock.
(05:03) It’s just that there are codes that have been registered with the database. I mean, it’s going to tell you specific codes, right? Actually, and those are more generalized, based on the different currents.
(05:39) Not so much as analysis, it’s like a high vibrational opinion on what what’s been done.
(05:48) So that’s what we’re talking about, I mean, all those things are already recorded and in fact they’re going to catch you, they’re going to show you that because you think that everything we talk about, everything that is said is in the air? All those messages are in the air, they’re all recorded and processed, they can read your signature, analyze your signature, analyze your emotional state, how you produced this? There is a crossover of information with psychologists, a crossover of information with astrologers, with all the currents that exist. In fact that is the tendency to seek to get as close as possible to the human being, but it does not go to his sacred world.
(07:07) More.
(07:16) Sandy stuff.