Artificial intelligence and service

*This text was recognized from an audio recording using artificial intelligence, so it may contain errors. If you notice inaccuracies or want to improve the text, you can help by editing the document.

(00:38) The question about artificial intelligence, on the one hand, in the material, physical world, it can be a tool that can help us in many things. You can write algorithms and tasks that it can accomplish and it will support you a lot in that. But on the other hand, energetically, because the structures that are behind the artificial intelligence are the ones that manipulate the world, they are typical of the Matrix. So your question is whether artificial intelligence can be combined with service purposes, for example, if you want to do something for service, because the possibilities that artificial intelligence has can help you to be more efficient in the service that you can provide, you can coexist and coexist with that reality that artificial intelligence presents and not fall into the energetic traps, which is to use it as a tool, but not to get involved in it, in the case of the person who is using it, a lot of work to do it manually is going to take a lot of time, but in all that database that you can ask the artificial intelligence to support you in doing that preliminary work, it helps you a lot. But in your activity, that question came up for you.

(02:58) Certainly, Sasha, I don’t want to disappoint you, but you’ve certainly paid attention to that. You’re already sucking, it’s sucking you in. Simple. And everything, they know everything is not that it makes you efficient, it complements your illusion, because they know everything calls efficiency, advancement, illusion. The day you go, what advancement do you bring?

(03:47) You go alone.

(03:53) So where I didn’t understand that.

(03:55) That when you leave, what progress.

(03:58) So what you get into the whole world of technology, you can achieve a lot of things, supposedly. So it’s all about your attitude towards the things that you do. This phrase you already know is the key attitude in the fact that it leads the way, even if you go through hell. If you are on your axis, nothing is going to move you. That’s the point. You work with intelligence, you work with delinquency, I don’t know, with whatever. But if you are on your axis, your direction, your horizon, that counts. It’s not about using this term either, to use intelligence too, because it’s not in the sacred either. If it is necessary to connect with them, you connect, but within your axis, not getting involved from the fanaticism that absorbs you. Is it like you go to play pool, well, you find a pool table and find the balls, the stick, what is the game? It’s already pocketing the balls with the cue ball, pocketing the balls in the baskets, well, you play and that’s it, but there you are consumed. What changed? The attitude, the self-control, staying on your axis. Do you have to make a business, well, you feel the business, how do you go? You already exchange, we already do this already here, there faith. But yes, this business will work out, it won’t work out, it works out, it doesn’t work out. And if it works out, what does it matter? What does it matter if you have the double or not? First things first, the moment is what you have to take care of. That moment is sacred. How do you place yourself in that moment? In every way. If you have to go through a very, as I was saying, hell, for example, like the sentence was, where things are very aggressive, you can go unnoticed. If you go on your axis, you know where you are going and why you are going there, no one will feel you if you go like that, it fits you. And the ancestors know that, they have always lived that in their axes, you do not open yourself to fear, to doubt, to ambition, to all those low vibrational resources. Confidence in what you have to do, that counts. And don’t put it any more theory, that doesn’t say that it pulls you, it sucks you, it gives you. Relax. What you have to do you do it knowing where it goes. All the more reason that you are in control, that it is in you to be in control. There’s not a lot of things to be worried about, to trust, you’d put yourself in another place. We have to trust each one who is going to do his process, even if he comes with a lot of doubts, with a lot of chaos in his head, we trust everything. Each one brings his world, his theory, his conflict. We have to trust, we are not left. If it doesn’t turn out as you have programmed, it’s for a reason. And you go forward, you go forward, that’s called, let’s see, let’s see, what do you call the ancients? Simple life. Why do we kind of move away from simple life, we want to have a complex life? Because that makes you important, no, the simple life is the one that keeps you in harmony. So we are fanatics of a life of conflicts, a life fanatic of problems. Each one arrives home, to his place and says “oh, I have had a lot of problems and it is great because I have had a lot of problems. The next day it multiplies, at some point, he collapses as a collector of problems. And if life is simple, if those things called, those so-called problems, that there are no problems in life, there are no problems in the sacred, that which we call problems does not exist, that which we call problems war ein problem an mir, they are nothing more than traps for your path. So then we have to look at the path where it corresponds to us. What for? Look, let’s understand people who have never cleansed themselves, who have never done an ayahuasca and all that, they are full of problems. But the people who have made an effort to cleanse themselves, to meditate, to do inner development work, yoga, tai chi, etc. Then there is no place in these people to collect problems. So that is called flowing, flowing in our constant existence. So you don’t have to bring the term flow when it is your convenience, when it is to manipulate, but flow. To flow means to have that calm, simple look, from acceptance, without conformism, of course, understanding that everything follows its course, but that does not stop you, that you follow the horizon, you have seen the light and the light will pass even through the most dense places, that is flowing. So simple living. What is the other one? In mindfulness, simple, flowing resources that are always in our environment. And the other thing is the other phrase that we told you in your case, the attitude in the fact, because that’s what’s going to define you on your path. If you want to feel sucked, you feel sucked, if you want to feel tired, you feel tired, you want to feel terrible. You know that this little engine here, your neurons build the immediate routes and place you in that direction. It is not about fighting with our head, it is not about fighting with our brain, with our neurons, it is about living in wisdom, in consciousness with them, to be directing so that you can execute. Sometimes we are slaves of our body, everything in function to your body. It hurts here my clothes, my dress, my this, everything is your body, slave of the body, slave of this, the fear, the suffering, the anguish, the lod and all slave. And if everything depends on being in balance, middle ground in all middle ground.

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