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(00:02) Then we relax, take a deep breath. Try to find a calm posture in which there is no tension. Gently, from the calmness, we connect with the air element from the breath, that calm and conscious breath. Repeat it over and over again. Now try to identify your energetic centers or others that we call chakras. From one to the seventh. You stop for a moment in each chakra, in each energetic center, as a cleansing action. Suddenly you will find in some of them a feeling that you do not understand, an emotion that you do not understand. It requires taking a small space to breathe and release and reconcile with it. Breathing deeply, go from the one to the seventh. Each center has its own life, has its past, has its present, has its future. As long as you find some memory, something in some center that is stagnating your emotions, is stagnating your full life, you release them with eyes of love, with feelings of love towards yourself. And that can take you different times according to the day, to the moment in which you can do that release. You can do it lying down or sitting. After you have gone through each center, concentrate the breath again and focus that concentration on the fourth energetic center or fourth chakra, fourth axis. And from that fourth axis you expand through your environment, through the aura and throughout space. Expand. You expand in waves, in lights, in colors, throughout your environment and throughout space. To that expansion, to those colors, to those waves, to those rays that you are emitting, fill them with joy. Then you will emit joy. You will see your energetic space that you can cover. You are a giant. All that energy, with all that universe and with that feeling of being big through energy. And with a lot of joy. You taste the taste of the lips with your tongue and little by little you can open your eyes. A resource that you can work in your bed, in your silent spaces to be amplified. Thank you for your time.