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(00:00) In a moment. Then let’s drink. How many of you have taken ayahuasca here? Four, five, six. The others are new. Seven, eight. There are few who have not taken. Let’s see, those who haven’t taken. Let’s see, more. That’s it, that’s it, faster. Those who have not taken. Two, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now, nine. I felt like drinking ayahuasca tea. Have you already taken it? Ah, already, already. So, ayahuasca tea, you know it’s ayahuasca just pure ayahuasca, ayahuasca in a cooked state and it’s fresh. It is the original way of taking the ancestral ayahuasca. And that is what we are going to share today. And it is recommended not to limit yourself, take as much as you can, without fanaticism, but take, you take hot bowls, full. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, , 10, 20 bowls, 30 bowls. There’s no overdosing on tea, just in case, because your body expels what it no longer needs. So, and it’s just going to be the process of deepening them in the visions, in the connections. It is recommended to take it hot because if it cools, it proves a little bitter, but if you don’t have, problems with bitter, normal. What else? Let’s see, I was coming to pick up your bowls from here and it is suitable for all ages. They are going to paint some, there are some paints to be more authentic to the original, to have that reconciliation with the energies. So, this will take place before the shooting. Those who want to participate in this will go there and others will be painted with huito. Well, then, there are no questions from there to the new ones.