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(00:09) How would you explain the concept of consciousness? Being conscious?
(00:16) To be conscious, already conscious means integrated to the whole. To be conscious is when with your 25 senses you are in the present. If it is to be conscious, because we don’t have only seven, five, nothing infinite. The senses that we have and is what we have to be present in every action or fact, as the universal consciousness teaches us, is always available to all, is in connection with all.
(01:28) We are the ones that we do not reach, but if we are in harmony, there will always be the ancestral information, the knowledge will always be there, call it idea, I don’t know what others call it, I don’t know, vision, I don’t know what they call revelation, call it whatever, it is what is integrated. And being aware or consciousness, as we call it, can be here or you can integrate back and forth, but from this present, from this moment, with that amplitude. Because you can, you can receive information, but and the capacity of interpretation, of understanding, let’s call understanding that interpretation because there is that it is immediate, because you can get information you can have, but if you are not conscious, you know, it becomes mental bustle. So the point is that you have to train it too and it is not something out of this world to have patience with ourselves. And everything that comes is for a reason. Don’t just expect nice things, that’s where you get out. Everything that comes, comes to you for something. And that gratitude for that something is what opens you more. It opens you up, it opens you up.
(04:48) That’s like that. Just yesterday, I think, the day before yesterday, in the group I posted a sentence that I thought characterized well what you’re saying now, that truthful knowledge is knowing how to be grateful for everything for everything that comes to you and for everything that doesn’t come to you it still comes to you. Or for what you have been separated from, something like that to translate. Or what you were deprived of. There it is. And just because a girl wrote that her house burned down and everything. She just says that sentence put her where she needed to be. Like thank you for everything for something has happened even the loss of a burned house.