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(00:05) In my first aguasca process, I had a vision of a monkey, I don’t know if you remember, but I saw a monkey and I also saw the monkey turn into an owl, let’s say, I saw something like that. And I came from a life, from a life of alcohol, of all that, right? This one, but it has been more different afterwards, each time in the next one, that dimension that I could see where those, those faces and all those triangles and all that appeared, like in the second one I did not see it anymore, only like a door and I could not enter that door anymore. Like the plant told me that you do not have control here if I do not, so just let yourself go, right? And the third one was like pain and everything, I felt like I was dying. There are people who first feel like they are dying and then they begin to enter another dimension, the dimension that I only saw when I arrived. And now I never enter that dimension, for example, but sometimes I have like chaos in my brain when I am loaded, let’s say, because the other times I have it, I have it, let’s say, I feel in control, but I don’t have any vision, but only like reflections more, this, more textual than visual, no? So, this, why the plant sometimes may have made me see that at the beginning and has not allowed me to see that vision anymore? Maybe when I was outside, one time I drank with Celeste and I could see, for example, Jesus and in the background I saw angels and demons fighting, and I said it’s for me, they don’t want to take my soul, who wants to take my soul? And well, that’s what I, like that stayed with me, but no, it hasn’t been, it hasn’t been repeated, it’s not because of something, I mean, I will be able to see that in the future, but it’s like I act differently, you know? And that I came well charged and I came with a different exposure. Is it because of the mixture that you make or is it the plant? I don’t know, or is it my body?
(04:03) Well, sometimes, as I was telling you a moment ago, it’s an invitation that you get, it shows things, but sometimes when you put up with it, you resist, it’s like starting to work again. Or suddenly when you put intention, when you put thoughts, . And there sometimes you limit the visions, you limit those depths. Why are you more with fear, with desires, with things that you want to achieve from that process? That’s where you close the path. But today you are going to drink tea, today you are going to drink as many bowls as you can, because the visions in the tea, which is not only ayahuasca, it takes you very deep.
(05:14) Bonos Slavinia Surprise No Sir Blog Islamia Plagadar Abuser the song reminded me of abuser.