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(00:04) Yes, my follow up question then is firstly, is it a matter of perception? Then, can I change anything into service depending on how i think about it? Like, if i’m doing work, can work become service if i change the way I’m thinking about the work? And secondly, is it better to do service with areas that i am naturally good at? Like, let’s say, i study music, is it better to do service in that area or some other area? Like, should i go work in the kitchen? But i’m not as good at cooking as i am at music, for example, is it better to do service in the area that I have more skill in, so i could do more questions?
(01:35) You’re saying if we do the work, but to the work, we kind of change our mindset and start seeing it as service, does it change there or not, and the other question is whether the service that we do we have to do better in the areas that we have more, that we’re more skilled in. For example, if he is a musician, to exercise the service more in the framework of what is music. Because if he wants to serve in what is cooking, for example, if he is lousy or cooking, his service as a cook is not going to be as well.
(02:22) Effective. In fact that at work, we have always said that, at work if you look at it as service, things change, the result is going to be different. Now, service as service does not measure, it has no category, it has no profession, it has nothing. If you say I am a musician and you find a sheep that fell into the ravine and someone wants to pull it out and cannot, you cannot tell him I am a musician, I cannot help you. No, it is the disposition in which I help you, come on, be open to serve in everything, that’s it. So it is not to put limitations on ourselves. There are things that suddenly you are not able to do, I don’t know this, but I can learn, I don’t know this, but what else can I help you with? Of course, service has no profession, service has no flag, because service is reciprocal. If you do not know about that subject, when you serve you learn, the other serves you with the transmission of knowledge. It is a constant transfer of knowledge.
(05:13) Look, even a smile is service, a hug is service, a quarrel is also service.
(05:26) Rugat but.
(05:30) Yeah, i multiple format action.
(05:40) Boy. .