Nature of mind

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(00:25) All those habits of the mind of distraction, grading and everything. Is that your nature of mind or are those the programs that have been imposed on us?

(00:35) The programs are not there. It cost well, it took good years, hundreds of years. First, to study the mind and start training it towards the self-destructive path.

(00:57) Shift up Nakatoram Naswim Paslia watching dog as period periodic Catamo Pavidinio Blush Diamond.

(01:21) It’s like you go to a reserve, Sasha, and you start watching a group of monkeys. To understand that group of monkeys, you’re going to take a good amount of time and look at them in their tents, in their trees, how they sleep, how they feed. Live with them, follow them, mingle with them. Walking in the trees is what that watching has done. You realize what it is that most attracts them, makes them change, makes them euphoric, gets them off their axis. Then you look at those monkeys, so they’re not euphoric, you say I’m going to give them alcohol. You invite alcohol to all the worlds, you get them drunk and they don’t understand what’s going on, but they feel something different that changes. And you see that you can control them with that. You keep giving them alcohol. You see they eat flowers. Flowers are sweet and you have to give them sugar. Sugar. You bring them all the monkeys are going to eat sugar. And how is that? You give them tobacco, you give them all the perditions, . Like these worlds. These worlds stagnate their euphoric worlds, their wild worlds. It’s so expensive. With all you gave them.

(04:45) Already.

(04:46) They won’t even want to go into the hollows of the trees to sleep in the caves. You create the need for clothes for them to sleep wherever they can sleep and wrap themselves in clothes. The house undoes its little house in exchange for something. That’s how all this manipulation of humanity started. Until all the monkeys will want only you to solve everything. So be it. Human monkeys. We are waiting for everyone to solve us from the outside. And when the monkeys already have everything under control, you bring out another batch of other things. The fads. Now there is not this. Now there’s another one better, another one better, another one of another quality. Did all those qualifiers appear.

(06:45) But concepts of nitria transition concepts.

(07:09) What is this? .

(07:11) Because in itself, the nature of the mind is calm and silence.

(07:16) It is like this.

(07:17) And only execute what comes to it.

(07:20) That’s what our ancestors were.

(07:39) Our mind now is like a monkey with a pomegranate. Just as he understands it. That’s exactly why different practices have appeared from our ancestors that lead to the calming of the mind all to calm the mind. Because the state we are in is not normal.

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