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Another question, you hear a lot that there is a prophecy that Jesus is going to come and just this year they say that Jesus is going to come back by parachute. That’s what I wanted to know, what do you guys think about that prophecy? Zweitausendein, my opinion. But some time ago I told you that Jesus is coming and he is already a long time on Earth, he comes every now and then. Zweitausendein. What happens is that we do not know how to see him, to feel him. So, is this already mythology or do you want him to present himself with his passport? Hey, come on, I’m Jesus. With how many names? Other names we already come with. Do you want to ask what is the main thing in our life? Giving priorities for our life, what would we put first, second and then for humanity, what should be the priorities for humanity? What concepts can be important there? Faith, hope, love, whatever. I don’t know if we can give a list for our lives first and then for humanity, because suddenly it’s fulfilling the divine will and suddenly it’s that you are able to feel it. And the divine will is love. That is the first principle of the will of our existence, that having. And then you know what follows love: the two go hand in hand, they go together. Love, service, they go together and then comes the rest. Trust. What else? Let’s see, let’s see, you remember joy every day. Well, there is joy, gratitude, trust. What else? There’s me. Did someone say serenity? That would be surrender or steadfastness. What else? Acceptance. Giving service. To be in the service of giving. What else? Acceptance. Acceptance. That is doubt. What happens is that our fundamental existence of humans and all the planets is love and service. And we have to put joy, trust, that’s us to be able to give love and service. Delivery, all we have to put ourselves as the tires of that big truck, truck of labor and service. And that is what it should be based on.
Moving in the world. But the world moves backwards. The world moves based on fear, based on lust, based on having and abundance. That’s what the world moves based on. And because it moves like that, every now and then you feel like a failure because you don’t realize that everything goes around, everything is in a circle. Nothing can be eternal, only love and service. All the resources of service are infinite. But if we act the other way around, we will always have one end and a thousand ends. And that is where we believe that we have failed, that we have come to ourselves. For love, everything is surrender, for love and it is not a matter of couple love. For many that is a relationship. Or they find people who have nothing to do with love. No, let’s act the other way around. Love is something else, it is universal, something bigger. It is the vibration of the whole, of the formation. Love is everything and is everything. All with all, all and with all. In Russian it sounds like a mantra. That was the summary of an Ayahuasca intake that came as a summary. The only thing I managed to write back then and it was still on Facebook. I wrote that. Love is everything and that’s it. What else? Nothing else. That was the understanding, wasn’t it? My video repeat looks like Zweitausendein.