Conscious dreaming practices

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You want to know what is our attitude towards lucid dreaming practices, whether they represent any danger or not. Everything will depend to a great extent on the state of the person. It is not a very risky practice in general, but in people with very altered channels, it can be different. The way in which the lucid dream state is entered is crucial. If the channels are not regulated, there may be a risk of unintentionally forcing some physical circulation. In addition, the place where the practice takes place is important, because if it is a place charged with negative energy and the axis is not stable, it can be open to the assimilation of energetic parasites. It is essential to take into account confidence, calmness and adequate space when practicing. For those with some previous experience, it is likely that we all have flashes of lucid dreaming at some point in sleep or awakening. The ability to enter this space will depend on the individual, but it is not something that can be controlled. This is something that people experience constantly. As it becomes a practice, more attention is required.I recall a case of a young man who practiced lucid dreaming and listened to a special audio that supposedly helped connect to these dreams.Do you remember this? In reviewing those who used this method, it was discovered that they had a similar chip implanted. It is important to remember that what we need is inside us, not outside. We must be careful about what is on the outside.

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