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Thank you very much, it was very nice. A question about the OJE diets. I understand that to go on to the next diet you have to take ayahuasca, but it can be day seven, eight, nine, 10. What does that depend on? Why are there more days, less days, how does that work? Yeah, thank you. Like, day seven, eight, nine days later. From OG you mean. Ah, after OJE. It’s usually from seven. And some, that are pretty strong and you can make exceptions, that we can up to five or six days we can send him to the other diet. In other cases, it depends a lot on how he has done the OJE purging at the time of taking the OJE, how his process has been. And in other cases it also depends on what plant you are going to take afterwards. So the most normal is the seventh day. Now, if there was a lot, it keeps pushing so that if we hurry to mobilize the energy with another plant, it is a little bit more. Yes. I Canal Tampa says Miriam.