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We were talking the other day about the new year and the reflection that the human being is the most dangerous animal on this planet. You said a phrase about living in two parallel worlds, each one with its own thing. But what happens if one of those beings starts chasing another one, like for example, an animal chasing a girl? What would be the possible reactions? Should we give in because we feel it needs healing or help, or just ignore it and stay in our own reality? What would be the right decision in that case? In situations like this, there is no specific formula to live by, but it is advisable to follow basic universal principles, such as calm and silence. In these moments, the supreme guide is our inner self. When we find silence and calm, that is where we find the answer, helping us to make the right decisions. To walk away completely or to ignore someone who needs something would only lead to confusion. This would lead us to act from a sacred place, living from the very essence of the sacred. We cannot always follow our own desires. Sometimes, we can help someone whose energy resonates with our own, offering a hand to transform or helping them to deepen their being. Serving in this way is not a burden, it is an essential part of our existence. Recently, we came across some abandoned eggs near the fish lab, which we knew belonged to some beautiful birds in the area. The workers did not give them to us. These are just a few examples of how to act from a place of service and generosity, without seeking anything in return.
We didn’t know which one they were working on. So we brought the eggs, put them in the incubator, five hatched, three of them survived. Although we would have preferred all of them to hatch. However, there were only three. We have to accept it, because that’s how life is selected. The question then, what are they going to eat? Since we had no experience in that life, we went closer to nature to see what to do. Maria, every day they looked like little dragons, until one day they refused to eat anything, neither food nor water, they were shutting themselves off. We wanted to get up and help as much as we could, we did everything in our power, but we could not save them. Life is constant, you don’t always get what you want. If we lived in a kind world, who would we blame then? We have learned a lot. The key is not to stay away from problems. I’m not going to avoid what I can’t do. At some point we said that it is necessary to cultivate our inner self, our inner strength, to be certain about it. Then you can overcome any obstacle and be aware of what you are facing. You must face it. We do it by purification, by proper nourishment, by building our inner center. Let no one question it. Indecision destabilizes, you will not know where to go. If you maintain your steadfastness, you will get through any difficulty, even if it seems to bring you closer to hell, you will know where you are going. Only the Warriors of Light. A warrior is not one who wields a sword and commits follies without knowing why. The true essence of a warrior is in his readiness for everything. You must be ready for whatever you are told, whatever you hear, whatever it is. You are strong, I know you. It is not possible. This is the time we live in. It is not a matter of qualifying what is good or bad, this counts and that does not count, everything counts, you count. Conscious care is the key factor in these times of definition, and it all starts with the meaning we give to our words.
I don’t know, it doesn’t start with a posture you stand in, it doesn’t start with a meal you eat, with a friend you have, no. And our sacred base is not sold in supermarkets, just in case. There’s no one who’s going to give it to you. And there’s not going to be a magic wand either. And that’s what we don’t like. We get corrupted. Internally, we expect the easy life and the magic wand. There isn’t. There isn’t. Unless you hit yourself in the head, but it’s not the solution. It’s all in what we said in the first part of this morning, in opening ourselves, in surrendering so that the light can come. Connect with the intelligent force, explore your inner self. That yes, explore your. [Something] that ‘s a [snack] and pattern.