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(00:01) Yeah, so we take a deep breath. Try to find a calm state then to be able to connect with your lab is calm. Let’s start there. We take a deep breath, gently connect consciously with that air element through deep, calm breathing. Listen to all the sounds in the environment, identify them through your mind. You continue with deep breathing, identifying the sounds. There are multiple sounds that are changing from moment to moment. These sounds should not distract you, just give them a direction. Now come a little bit closer. Everything that is in your periphery, around your body, around, as close to you, listen to it and identify it. Suddenly the partner’s heartbeat, the breathing of friends, some other sound out there. Always breathing deep into the hara. Now you listen to your inner sounds, like your heart, circulation and the functioning of all your organs. Take your time in that inner listening, try to identify emotional situations and physical situations within your whole being, knowing that everything is energy. Then immediately emit energy to those areas to restore whatever character you have located, be it physical, emotional, mental, whatever it may have been. Once you have identified, gently release what you have encountered, all these situations that you have encountered, restoring with that conscious energy that you direct to that area. In that process invade yourself with joy. Suddenly that joy will have a color, fill your whole being with that color. Through that joy radiate outward, go outward emitting that joy. In that state of joy, as you are calm, you are deeply grateful for all that you have lived until today. Remember, do not disconnect yourself from joy and calm. Be grateful step by step for what you can remember of that past, transmitting a smile, a joy and calm, making that past transform. Breathe deeply. In this state you can stay for a long time if you wish, or move forward. In this case we move forward vibrating with joy and calm. You taste the taste of the lips with your tongue and you can open your eyes. You maintain that state of joy and calm for the rest of your days. Well, thank you for your time, may the strength, the light be with you today, tomorrow and always. Thanks to the guys from the social networks who are present.