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(00:26) I wanted to ask about the world of Buddhism. In Buddhism it is considered that there are multiple emanations, like certain energies that are related to different human aspects as well, which can be for healing, to work on some internal trait. It is like for each case there are mantras and using mantras, which is like a vibrational product, using that you are linking yourself with another energy or emanation, as they say, I don’t know if it exists in Spanish. So your question is how good is it to use those mantras, if it has any risk or not.
(01:31) As we said before, what happens is that a prayer, a mantra, an invocation, not only existed in Buddhism, it existed here with the ancestors, the shamans, the healers, because that energy, through that energy healed. That there are different ways of handling, of controlling the energy for a purpose. There are different ways, some dancing, dancing around, entered, made a change. The indigenous was very common for the snake bite, they invoked, they emanated the song of Huancawi, a bird that ate snakes and all that energy was concentrated to the patient and could be healed with the icaro of Huancawi, it is called the same as if someone curses the other, emits a curse, it is also the same if the conductor or the emitter of that energy has the self-control, the strength to execute. In fact that Buddhism, well, Buddha brought universal knowledge like Jesus and everything. From this different knowledge of the tradition of that area have been united, because the message was universal, they were coupled, it is as if it was just Christianity, through a prayer I imitate the ritual of the Wankau. Then there with Buddhism they coupled different knowledge of the environment, so it was the same. Then when they were unified based on that culture, on that knowledge that Buddha brought, they began to potentiate, but they were people who were coherent, whole people. And that happened the same here, they were masters who could control the sun, the rain, the weather, so that knowledge exists. These people took out these sicaros, emanations and all this. These people did not have fear, nerves, emotional conflicts, they did not know these traumas, they did not know anything. Will they be delivered? Where is the risk? As we have always said in the cars also, when people who are not integrated want to connect or open that energetic portal or those emanations that we are going to call and if they are not strong, then there can be a certain risk that they can suddenly be parasitized by opening an energetic portal. But it is that it is a portal, we are not saying that it is bad or good, but if someone who is going to do that has to be what we said to Sasha, in his axis he has to be. If it is for personal development, internal development, the same on its axis, but if it is to help others, much more. Be careful. That is what we have always told many shaman brothers, that they should be careful if they are going to do an icaro, that they should not do it because a question is repetitive for singing a song. Everything has a meaning. If someone feels, connects or vibrates with a type of these emanations, rituals, invocations, cults, they have to be in balance and sure of what they are doing. Let it not be a matter of learning a poem and reciting it in front of someone. It is not time, no matter how many sacred words you have, it is not going to cover the channel if it is not full, it is not filled with that vibration. For example, what is your name? Vital, Lito, Vito. Nice to meet you, Vito. If I tell Vito you are strong, it makes no sense for me to tell him, because he is not going to feel it, but I am opening something in him, no, it makes no sense for me to say. In other words, if I tell him you are strong, it is a word, but it will open a small receptive portal in him. But in my case I have not emitted a complete energy towards him, it was only from my mouth, but I have already opened something in him. That’s what happens with Ikaro. So if you repeat, if he’s not connected, of course, if he’s not on his axis, the master, the one who leads. But what if Beat tell him man, you are strong, but emitting all the energy, vibrating with everything, I open in him, I give him confidence, I assure him his status, because it’s my responsibility what I’m saying. That is the detail, what happens in all these rituals and all these things. So we open in different ones and we leave open.
(12:44) Things.
(12:57) Because today’s culture is so stuck on receptivity, on receiving. Why does the ego grow with that? But what do we do to them? I’m sorry I say it here, what do we do to them here? Feel, you are yourself, see it, understand it, because we don’t have to open it, we have to make it explode in it what it deserves. He has to be a warrior who knows himself and knows his potential when it is necessary and does not depend on a word that someone has to say. In other words, closing the subject, if those emanations that if you know and feel them, give you security, you feel in balance, you feel safe, you do not have doubts, you feel full in word, essence, you feel full, that is the one you are vibrating with, that is the one you are vibrating with. That’s how things work.
(15:32) People will usually go to mantras and prayers when they feel weak. In that case it’s not so safe to do it.
(15:45) They are safe, unless the one who is leading is a potential, you have to be safe and the potential is felt by the vibration, emits the constant vibration.