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(00:10) On the threshold of a massive and big mutation of humanity that is going to change everything, creativity, art and everything else with the influence of intelligence.
(00:29) Well, it will want to change, but as we say, for the art itself, the internal production is not going to Ig. You can produce an art and that art can be called whatever it is, a poetry, for example, but that poetry is accompanied by vibrations and feelings. But in fact there is a code that says if this poetry, if he speaks this word, it is because he is in these emotional situations. Then there will be a whole analysis, because there is already a record more or less, but what is it? Basically it is imposed. What is also true is that it cannot be copied. If you are with your team, at your side, they can identify your oscillations, your heartbeat, even your temperature, they can register that. But the most sublime thing.
(03:25) The mutation, Sasha was saying that he had in mind like the other way around, it’s not that we’re going to what are machines and artificial intelligence, but the other way around, it’s like humanity is going to raise its vibrations so high that art and creation, everything is going to be like more sublime and more of an assault every day.
(03:51) Every day that happens. It’s our nature to be mutants. For example, you produce a painting in an empirical way today, but the fact of following that horizon of painting in a year, in two years, see how you go deeper. Nothing has to do with that initial day, with two years, with three years. And it is enough to pay attention, to pay attention to what you are doing, to open yourself with the same attitudes. It all depends on what attitudes you put it.
(04:53) Basically Pasta Mujirovich, Atlanta Yeah Airport.