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(00:03) Good morning.
(00:03) Good morning.
(00:07) With books. I find myself that i start reading a lot of books and taking a lot of information and sometimes i wonder if it’s even helpful. Do we think what is your thoughts on books, on reading on spiritual books? Or should we just not read?
(00:29) Ryan asks what is our thoughts on reading and books? Because in his personal case, that he’s read a lot of books and has a lot of book knowledge in his head and he just recently started wondering if that’s valid, if that helps him or better to stop reading everything and focus on what you are. What is our opinion on reading?
(01:39) As long as it’s an exercise that helps you expand in the different directions, different options, it all lies there, in the feeling. Because what happens now, what happens now is that just that was the message. It was the message to get them across. Now many believe that because they have read a book they already know everything. Nothing is nothing, because knowledge, like history, like experience, changes every moment. Who can give the absolute word? Everything is in constant regeneration and movement. It is a universal law. How much so-called scientific knowledge is valid now? From 100 years ago they became obsolete, more in these times that the books or the materials, supposed materials that have been spread, have been expanded at the level of the planet. It was not based on sacred knowledge, much of it has been based on planetary manipulation. We have always told them they have been given the Nobel Prize, haven’t they? How many authors have contributed to the suffering, to the anguish, to the depression, to the decay of humanity? And I am sorry, I respect writers, I have also written some things, but not as an absolute word. I respect writers, I do respect them, but because I also wrote some things, but not as an absolute word. That’s what I was saying. Normally a writer brings his lived experience, but it is not for everyone, because each one is unique. That is why we said at the beginning that it is a recreation of knowledge, a contribution, a recreation of the individual knowledge of each one’s experience, his or her experience, which is not invalid, of course. This message came to me from a phrase of an author, I do not remember, I think Calderón de la Barca or who wrote Ay, mísero de mí. Alas, wretches, am I who wrote this? Oedipus, Raycroft. There is a phrase that was very marked and on that phrase came this contribution that I said there is misery of me, there are unhappy, I am there to swallow that. All of them as an absolute truth, some transmitted fatalism, others extreme fantasy. So to close the circle, it is not that it is bad or good, it all lies in the feeling. If you want to exercise your part of experiences, of contributions, let the experience be to open another path for you, not to stop you. When the author expresses as an absolute truth, he is limiting the universal planetary diversity. So you have to be careful, because as we said at the beginning, everything is changing and everything is transforming rapidly. So if you feel that it helps you to expand other horizons, to look, but it is not as if you swallow them, you put them inside you, but it is as an option, as an example of someone that from this you can take your path. So it is another matter. A decade ago, about a decade ago, many authors had the idea of writing all their traumas, to write a book about their traumas, selling their garbage. What is the contribution of that? If you write, open up, open up options, open up options of diversity and the wide expansion of the universe. So that is going to be a contribution for our generations, isn’t it? That is going to be a contribution. When you open options for our generations it is going to be a great contribution. We are not saying, let it be clear that we are not saying read or not, we are opening the whole horizon for each one to feel and connect from it. And what happens is that sometimes we close ourselves in a knowledge that I know this, that is the absolute truth and that is what I follow, there I am, I am in this well, nobody can tell me anything, nobody can take me out, because the author says that and it is not so. If we start walking, we have to be aware, walking means to travel, to meet other people, other places, other spaces. We must be aware that we are going to encounter the maximum diversity of emotions, of communication, of knowledge, of feelings, of emotions. We must be aware of that. Why close ourselves off? That is freedom, that is the freedom we need to be open to that synchronicity, that connection in the encounters we have between beings. If you happen to be in a lake of fish, open yourself to that option to feel, to focus with the knowledge of those fish. For example, if you happen to be in a world of snakes, snakes, snakes, snakes, not human snakes, snakes, snakes. Then open yourself to that option of that feeling, of that knowledge, because something tells us, nature always tells us something. Normally if you are afraid of snakes, no, not with snakes, please no. Denial, rejection, absurd actions with respect to everything, something will have to tell you. If you met someone, something, it is for some fundamental reason, everything that happens on your way is not because the wind brought it for a frolic, for a fun, no. Even a leaf that fell in front of you, no, not even a leaf that fell in front of you. Even a leaf that fell in front of you has something to tell you. But what happens in those times? A leaf falls, we didn’t notice it, you didn’t feel it, you didn’t see it. So there goes the invitation to the opening of consciousness, to keep us in the universal integration, to get out of that rail. How about the train? No longer from the train, now we walk with a rocket rail. Of rocket. We have to open, to get off the rails, to be always expanded. And for that, what is required? Let’s see, something simple. Well, calm. Yes, that’s one of the basics for this. But there is something else. Silence. It’s also part of your friend. Calm, silence, they are friends. Practice, it is already constancy. Well, attention, which is the same, we do not walk with attention to life. We are in Uriel, we believe that this is the absolute truth. But attention is something else, it is broad, but it is not about that, it is about experimenting and experimenting. Many of us get confused, we start to get into fanaticism. As a result of that, what do you call that? Absolute stress, brain burnout, new concept that.
(19:56) It’s depression, stress and now mental burnout. Burnout at work. I don’t know what that concept is.
(20:02) Job burnout. How?
(20:07) I don’t know what it’s called in Spanish.
(20:09) But they do say quemado.
(20:11) Yes, something burned at work, something like that, I don’t know, a syringe that they have created.
(20:15) Burnt out at work, something good, around there, more or less. And that’s obvious. But we have something to be thankful for. In the course of these 30 years or so, that we have been connecting with different plants, with people, it has been seen that those who have paid attention, nowadays you can also see, those who have paid attention to what is an integration with the sacred life, do not enter in those peaks, in those depressive peaks. Although we are not free and therefore we should not sing victory, we must always pay attention. In that sense, I want to greet the old ones, some of them who are here, who are growing, already have their direction, have their horizons, but at the same time, but at the same time I want to warn them that the tides always come. We must be attentive to it. And sometimes to the one who is aware it arrives with more amplitude, because it is where the definitions come. In the biggest adjustments come the definitions. And that is not only about an experience in this space, but it is at a universal level, a path that you take, you found the horizon, after finding the horizon, you find the calm, you find more or less the definition, but there is a moment where you are on that horizon, there is a great barrier to see if you define yourself and you affirm yourself in that path or you deviate, no storm, no tide.
(25:19) Te.
(25:19) It’s going to make you stray. If you’ve seen the sun, you know which way to turn. So there record that phrase. So from that you have to be, there’s.
(25:40) You have to be clear and rowing in that sea you have to remove all the garbage so that the boat doesn’t weigh so it can move forward.
(25:52) That is with confidence, to live in confidence.
(25:55) Once we unlearn what we have learned. Yesterday we talked about also came that image of the sea.
(26:26) Well, it’s been great that response. I’m sorry, I’m sorry I had to. I’m sorry for taking those beats away. There’s the microphone.