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(00:07) Last question is service again? You said that service is anything that you do from a place of love, if i’m in a state of fear or despair, just feeling very low, how then do I serve? Is it a matter of just taking the action, even though i don’t feel any love? And then the love will come later or what’s to go?
(00:34) Talking again about service, that we say that service is something what you are doing with love, but if in a moment you are up to your legs and you don’t feel anything depressing, a state of lows, then what is your way of performing service there? Waiting for it to harmonize or what can you do? Or if you are not vibrating in love, you can’t perform service anymore?
(01:51) In principle service is sacred, and if it is sacred, depression, low vibrations are not in the sacred. If you identify an action, a state of that characteristic, you with your free will can decide whether to stay in that state or to break with that immediately, because that is in an instant. Take this, you can change everything in 1 S. For example, you are like this as you say, depressed on the bank of a river and you see that a child falls, what are you going to do? Immediately you grabbed yourself and pulled out I don’t know where, you pulled out strength and you did it. It is a sign that we can change our immediate state, we can break with those limitations and obstacles that we believe are sowing here. Everything can be changed, that’s all we are, we are the architects, builders of our realities. Every moment that is serving, then it is a sacred action. And knowing that this is the other remains outside, because it does not give space to self-destruction. And if you are open to service, I assure you 1 million to one that you will not go into those states, there will be no depression, there will be nothing, because you are open to do, to give, to serve. Your body is, your mind, your energy is in that. Those emotional states come because of what we said at the beginning, when you are in low vibrations, bitterness, sorrows, conflicts and all that, those states come in, if not, there is not. That is why here for example, in the center we say yesterday, I don’t know, we were, right? And I don’t tell them why I can go and sow, we only go so that you can learn to be a man, it is not, it is not because of machismo or anything else, so that you can get out of that state of sinking, so that you can break that scheme. That’s what I mean when I always tell them jokes like that, so that you learn to be a man. It’s just a way of telling them to get strength but there are multiple ways to get strength, you always have to invent the action, the state, the action and it works.