A message from the teachers in a dream

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(00:01) Is the question.

(00:04) Is it the one I have to ask?

(00:06) Yes, it’s the one I have to ask. Sometimes you feel something but you don’t know how to put it into words. We’ve talked to different people and sometimes it turns out that the masters appear to us as characters in our visions or in our dreams, and they appear to us and they can give us certain messages, they can warn us, they can give us advice. Sometimes they can have the appearance of a master, but they come as if in a flow of different concepts, as if to say, to a Christian the master comes with the appearance of Jesus, or the teacher in the appearance of the Virgin Mary, as if the face, the earthly and human face, but everything, everything as if it looks like, as if it were the Virgin Mary. Or for a Buddhist, that his teacher has that physical face here on the earthly plane, but in the dream or in the vision it comes to him as a deity with flames, the way it is presented in the Buddhist icons. So the question is what is that phenomenon? Why does it happen like that? And whether we can trust those in dreams and in visions when they appear with the messages that are given to us christians come obrasi libertla buddhista uchiti.

(03:27) Let’s see, what happens. The messages are in, as we were saying, in the library, in the universal consciousness, and that connection comes according to what frequency you are in, but you have a formation record, an informative record of images, of forms, of figures with which you have grown up, you have lived . So, as long as you have not universalized your concepts, your knowledge, your connections, you will always have images of your immediate world, where you open that affinity with a type of energetic frequency. So you already have images.

(05:09) .

(05:13) But that also changes according to your state of calm, your state of surrender, of trust. And when you get to a neutral plan only your connection is with the universal consciousness, there’s no more images, unless there’s some other tendency, some prevention from any direction. That’s what happens.

(06:13) And why does that come? Like faces, well, physical, earthly people, but they come that aspect simply because one has an internal code.

(06:26) Right, internal register.

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