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(00:00) That.
(00:03) Ala, my question is about service. I don’t understand much. Is it always about serving another person or a living thing? Like if i’m in my bedroom and i’m making my bed or i’m brushing my own teeth, who am i serving? I’m not serving anybody else or anything? Are there like different degrees of service? Like if it’s Saturday and we’re doing cleaning, we’re doing cleaning and i just like clean the leaves. As Pepe said before cleaning, a leaf is service to the leaf, service to the plant. Am I really doing service? If everybody else is cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom and I’m cleaning the leaves of the plants, what service am I doing? I don’t understand. Service.
(01:18) Ryan says he doesn’t quite understand what service means, because service can suddenly be very varied. What goes into the concept of service? If on Saturday we do cleaning 1 pulls leaves, does that service to the leaves. Or I don’t know, others who clean the kitchen do service to the people who are going to come to that kitchen. Or what is the concept of service? What do we assume or determine with that word?
(02:00) What we call work. Any action that you execute from a feeling of love to give that service. Normally that service has been changed.
(02:46) Normally that service has been changed to work and hindrance of the people below, of the people below, hindrance, resistance, paralysis for those below to do what you want, that’s what work comes from, for the people who are in that world, work. And we have given power to all classes. Now, this so called work and you forgot about service, it is an action that is done without expecting anything in return. so, if it is, for example, with the leaves, for example, with the leaves, we were saying, for example you said with the leaves, your action of service is wide, just by moving those leaves, in principle, you when you enter in action you activate your vibrational force, your vibrational frequency, your energetic flow, you activate already your planetary services, your universal service. Is it in access to the difference that when you are sitting, no? For example, what service are you going to do? If we serve the cockroaches, the low vibrations, the fact of putting is another thing. Energy in action and we start. Rake movement, training your muscles for circulation, it’s serving your body. You clean the leaves to leave as fertilizer for the plant, you are serving the plant. You clean the leaves so that others who visit can feel calmer or so that the kids can run around. In other words, there are multiple, multiple facts that are going to be given with that single action. The service is not unique, because everything is interrelated one with the other, but when it is work, you limit yourself. You are going to do similar things, but your result is going to be different, because it is done to satisfy, because work is for something like a monetary exchange, more or less around there. Talking about service is very broad, but in essence cooking service. And that service has to be, let’s say, of quality, because it is vibration. If you do it without wanting that service, the result will be in that place, nobody will want to be there. That food you make, nobody will want to eat it, but if you put joy, enthusiasm, good vibes, that is what it transmits. And the performance, the performance is extensive, like saying, there is no fatigue in service, because we would say, and we always say it, that it is love in action. Why do you get tired? You can get tired. There would be fatigue in that tool as it is the fuel, it is that motivation to serve out of love.