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(00:00) That, but I see it more as a comment than a question.
(00:21) Thank you very much. Have heard many messages that are to add the world of those of essential oils. It turns out that a drop of essential oil can remove inflammation, peppermint can relieve the state of when there is manifestation in the head or tea tree can heal. Like, these are drops, but the effects are considered. How do you feel about that? That topic of essential oils and another one if you can make essential oils from entheogenic plants.
(02:18) I thought I was going to ask about all those drops, the canary drops, thank the universe I don’t ask because it went like that, but it came to plants between leaves, in fact that’s like its very name is essence, it’s essences, concentrations of plants or various plants. Of course it helps. We are talking about how an extract is taken here, for example of a plant, as if it were taken in this case as an extract. So in fact it does help and if you can, if you could, because there will certainly be people who do this with entheogenic plants, but you have to be very careful because an essential oil of a neutral plant is different from a plant. A plant can give you a drop, as you say, a manifestation of the head, some inflammation, in fact it works, a cold, stagnation, bronchi, but there are people that with a concentrated drop of toe or vamos, of sanango, chacruno, I do not know, of all those plants that are strong, they are not the same organism to their reaction. So they would have to pay a lot of attention to the effects in these cases.
(05:55) .
(05:59) That. What else was there another question? It wasn’t a compound sound.