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Is that yes, ayahuasca, I have realized that it does eliminate many energetic parasites, it cleans them well, but sometimes I have realized that also some parasites, after that, I don’t know, some months it comes back, do you realize from where? Where did it come from? Because it is an energy that tries to come back or wants to get in again, it is like that, as you say, I thank the universe that I don’t have them anymore. But then sensations appear, emotions that I thought had passed. What to do then? Just take ayahuasca again? Sure, but it is also eliminated with love and a smile. Yes, that’s right. And why after cleaning the house, what should we do? We should close the windows to keep the purity inside. If we open the window and gossip with the neighbor, we go to the neighbor and leave it open again. In that we should not leave them open. What are those windows? Past attachments, fears, those little weaknesses that leave a gap open and then expand. What if they get in? That’s my question. If you have cleaned your house effectively, you will notice a strange external presence. What to do then? What should be done? That’s the question. Well, one option would be to internalize more, meditate, strengthen yourself, trust yourself. If you allow fear and doubts to grow, they will occupy more space, like a spore that multiplies. Remember that energy is plasma and feeds on fear and doubts. Therefore, with inner strength and confidence, you can free yourself or minimize this effect. It is not about fighting, because by fighting you also generate negative energy, low vibrations. It is about expanding our inner strength. People want easy solutions, but it is not that simple, although it is also simple. We don’t see it. What was natural for our ancestors is different for us. Our ancestors knew what to do when the spores grew, they did not stand still. And what do we do? The spores enter into a larger
And though it seems small, it starts. But I’m still laughing, laughing every day. Don’t get carried away with ego. No, it’s about us empowering it with our decisions and it doesn’t just happen in the most insignificant issues, in the obstacles, in our life. When a conflict arises, when you give power to a trifle, to a trifle, everyone gives power to grow and if you get out of that, the big so-called problems or big conflicts are generated by trifles, by nonsense. And when you feel that there is the presence of a conflict, get out of it, make silence, because silence is gold and get away from it and look at it, you will see that it disarms. It’s insignificant because the one who feeds that is the ego. That.