About Reiki and working with egregors

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Question about the egregores, as they say what the skinny guy used that word is like the energetic essence of a grouping of people that by saying that Christianity has its egregore, the other. So the question is what is our relationship with the energy egregores, with energy groupings? For example, the girl says that she practices reiki for a few years and she has several results that you could say are positive at the level of physical health, mental state, but anyway she realized that it is a grouping of energy proper of all those who practice Reiki and it is like a connection with that energy. And her question is how much we have to connect with that kind of energy? If that is in harmony, if that does not have any precarious consequences, what do we see, if it is suitable for healing or not. Those connections is the same thing that will be outside instead of being inside. That egregor you call may be a myth, why is the ancestral Reiki is not with that story that teaches us today? Reiki is a service of healing energy from one being to another and using that is all. But to be told under the energy, I’m not making fun, enough of fantasies. Things are if you have the inner strength, if you have the inner strength and you feel that you can, that’s all and that’s going to help, that’s what’s going to help. And you are unique, you don’t have to depend on a world, on another energy, you are you connected to the universe. Each one is that, we don’t have to keep ourselves tied, we must grow by the potentiality of our gift, our capacity. This is possible since ancestral times, even in many things there is manipulation, manipulation comes here when you are on a diet, we close the diet, you are the one who has to be in charge of you. That is the concept that you can help, protect someone, but until they find their strength, their growth and from there, like the children, the same until a certain time later. Now there may be certain techniques, certain recommendations, and using them, but also not.

Sometimes that recommendation will suddenly work, because you are going to apply from your sacred being to serve. Breathe, have patience, so get out of those, grow, because if it didn’t turn out to pacify with all that, when you depend on a grouping, there’s a lot of feelings and conflicts. Well, so do not over argue.

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