About karma. Attachments and past lives

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Master, a question, do the attachments come from the mind? I mean, is it because of what one thinks that heats up the engine or is it because in another life, for example, I find it so hard to follow the diet to the letter in terms of food, I think that in another life maybe I starved to death and I have an attachment to food? Or is it my mind?

what’s up, how was it before? It was said that we are also chipped, used to look for a culprit. Then, as a result of that appeared the famous sin and the famous karma. And as it is more convenient for people, everyone says “it is my grandfather’s karma or the same, his balls or so, his balls, his strength that the other should put and does not put because he has to be looking for someone to blame”. What you do now ends the day you leave, and then you continue with other clothes. Or someone changes clothes and you’re left with dirty underwear. If you wash, you change and start again. It is simply the logic of life. And why do we want to believe that we carry the past, our immediate past? Yes, from this life, from this place. Because this is where the habits come from, the attitudes that we accumulate in our environment, filling our suitcase with all the nonsense of life. We fill it with fear, with desires, with guilt, with laziness, with all the low vibrations. The load is heavy. And when you have to do something, that huge suitcase on your back weighs you down. That’s why don’t occupy it. What happens is that we get used to the comfortable life, to the habit of the comfortable life. Perhaps, in your case, in another life you would have been a beggar. Past projects are not brought back. There may be memories, but they are flashes, like little guides. What matters is what you are doing now. If it’s just to take precautions, there are no further complications. It’s like your blood, if you’ve had a cut here and your blood doesn’t want to circulate any more over there for fear that there might be another cut over there. It’s all a matter of constancy.

Fear is a recent emotion. It has been misunderstood, accepted as a tool for the self-destruction of mankind. In reality, it was only the instinctive reaction of survival, a spontaneous response that has been misinterpreted. And this energetic fusion, which we call quantum, has been growing little by little until detonating in this famous change. It is not only habits, but also happiness. So it is important to take good care of your diet.

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